
More Bézier Walks in Neural Networks

The videos above were generated using the same script described in an earlier post.


Random Bézier Walk in a Random Neural Network

The video above was generated using neuralart.


Neural Art

neuralart is a Python library and utility for rendering generative art from a randomly initialized neural network.

It’s based on the following blog posts and pages from studio otoro.

The package is available on PyPI, the Python Package Index. It can be installed with pip.

$ pip install neuralart

For example command line usage, see neuralart#example.

For example library usage, see


echo and printenv in x86 Assembly

This post contains implementations of echo and printenv in 32-bit x86 assembly for Linux.

echo is a Unix utility that prints its arguments to standard output.

printenv is a Unix utility that prints the environment to standard output.

The core functionality of these programs can be written in a few lines of C, where program arguments and the environment are passed as function arguments to main.

When a process is executed on Linux (or other Unix-like systems), its stack contains pointers to the program arguments and the environment, as shown below.

        |--------------------------|     Low
0(%esp) |      Argument Count      |  Addresses
4(%esp) |     Argument Pointers    |
        |           ...            |
        |            0             |
        |   Environment Pointers   |
        |           ...            |
        |            0             |
        |     Additional Data      |
        |           ...            |     High
        |--------------------------|  Addresses

k-means Image Color Quantization

I implemented a web page that can apply color quantization to images using k-means clustering. Here’s the link:

The JavaScript source code is available on GitHub: